Historic District Commission

Historic District Commission

The Historic District Commission (HDC) reviews changes to properties located in a locally zoned historic district. When there is a proposed alteration to a property within a historic district, the HDC will review the proposed scope of work for conformance with their rehabilitation standards.

The Commission uses its written procedures and standards to help a property owner in preparing for the review. The other work of the HDC includes submitting proposals to create additional local historic districts, making its collective experience available for local preservation efforts, and providing opinions on State and National Register nominations.

What is a Local Historic District?

A Local Historic District is a special zoning area created to help save historic buildings and to preserve the special sense of time and place that exists in some parts of a community. The City monitors and guides construction activity in its historic areas through the HDC. The City Council enacts ordinances which identify areas for designation as a historic district. In a Local Historic District, all exterior alterations and new construction must be reviewed and approved by the HDC. This review ensures that the historic character of the buildings is maintained when changes are made. If your property is within a local historic district you must submit an application for review of any and all proposed work to be done on your property.

If you have any questions regarding the HDC, your property, or your application please contact the City Planning Department (401) 780-3222.

Do I Live in a Local Historic District?

To find out if you live in a Local Historic District click the below link which will bring you to the City's GIS Web Mapping Tool. First, search for your property by typing your address into the search bar in the top left hand corner of the web page, then either click the magnifying glass icon or hit enter on your keyboard; this will zoom into your property on the map. From there, click the button on the "layers" button on the top right hand corner of the web page, then scroll down to make sure the check-boxes for the "zoning" layer and the "Historic Overlay District" layer are both selected, if not then select them. If your property is located within one of the areas with a red outline and red diagonal lines through it, your property is located within a Local Historic District. Please see the below image for reference.


GIS Web Mapping Tool


More Info on Historic Locations in Cranston


Applications & Other Documents

HDC Guidebook

HDC Application Form